Monday, December 5, 2011

Not a great start for the old team

Yes, that is my knee (grace). Three of us from the older team went out for DAY 1 training..and I tripped. Over a canine. Won't say whose canine, but it wasn't Lola. Anyway, I will not let this stop me! Well, maybe for a couple of days, but I am down but not out. Grateful I didn't break anything. BTW, can you get your money back for health reasons???


  1. Brilliant mom! lets have a competition to see who gets hurt the worst in our 6 month journey! so post away those injuries!

    way to set the bar nice and high mom!

  2. Molly, my canine, was not involved. I just want to clear her name. Grace, you
    are a trooper, and I'm glad you aren't taking this as a sign to quit! :)
    It was a beautiful fall I might add. Now I know why your parents named you Grace... :)

    I hope that was the worst of the injuries for the next 6 all be careful!!!

  3. ...also, I think someone might need some new mittens for Christmas!
