Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Well helloooo there! Tayler here....

I'm blogging!  We're really doing it, Harry!  Sooo, this Sunday marks the halfway mark to our BIG day and I'm celebrating by running the Rudi's Organic Spring Half Marathon in Boulder, CO.  My training program called for a half so I found one.  I'm doing Hal Higdon's Novice 2 program and just ran a 15 miler this past weekend in Steamboat Springs.  It was definitely a feat and a half but was very rewarding once I finished.  I forgot to put sunscreen on and came home with a nice lil sunburn...oops.  I'm feeling pretty good about this weekend's race but next weekend's run is already looming over my head...a 17 miler.  HOWEVER, I keep telling myself that cheesy quote "pain is temporary, pride is forever."  It kinda works.  I've also found a way to break up my training schedule and add a little fun to it.  Every Tuesday night, my friends and I head to Denver Beer Company, a pub and brewery here in town, for the Tuesday night running club.  We run 3 miles, enjoy some free pasta afterwards, and a brew or 3.  I can't wait to see you guys in SD.  Happy running!

1 comment:

  1. Are we only half way??? yikes. Good job Tayler. So happy you and Megan are in this with us. There is comfort in misery with others. We do 14 miles this Saturday, and I find my mind wanders there about every 5 minutes, followed with a deep grown and feeling of panic. BUT, I think I felt that way at 4 miles too. One mile at a time...keep it up!
