Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In a way...we've already made it!

Megan here. Aunt Grace--I'll be sure to write up my summary and email it to you after the race...because I'm sure we'll make plenty of memories during the race :)

Aunt Grace is right...we can do this!! I ran my 20 miler on Saturday...my post pic is to the right. And I still had enough energy for a thumbs up! Would you EVER think you could run 20 miles?? I NEVER thought I could/would. If we can run 20 miles, we can definitely do 6.2 more, right?

I'm so proud of everyone for sticking with this...we're going to run a marathon! How many people can say that in their lifetime?

I'm so excited to spend time with all of you..it's been way too long. 2.5 weeks until we're reunited!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cous!
    i am so proud of you too! proud of all of us!!!!
    t-like 2 weeks!!!!!
